Friday, November 13, 2009

Contrast Ratio

What is Contrast Ratio?
The contrast ratio is a measure of a display system, defined as the ratio of the luminance of the brightest color (white) to that of the darkest color (black) that the system is capable of producing. A high contrast ratio is a desired aspect of any display, although there is no industry standard for measurement of contrast ratio, so comparing the contrast ratio of one brand with another may not yield valid results.

"Dynamic Contrast Ratio" is one of the recent upcoming development in LCD Technology.
This display underpower the backlight lamp in case the darker image needs to show on screen.

Dynamic contrast ratio is usually measured at factory with two panels (one vs another) of the same model as each panel will have an inherent Dark and Light (Hot) spot. Static is usually measured with the same screen showing half screen full bright vs half screen full dark

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